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For current info on Youth Mentoring visit National Youth Mentoring site.


‘What an amazing few days!’
Click here to view the plenary address given by Lesley Tobin of the Dusseldorp Skills Forum at the Big Brother Big Sister national conference in Melbourne Aug 31 – Sept 2.

Welcome to Mentoring Australia, an association of mentors, educators and researchers. Use the links on the left to navigate around the site.
Mentoring is a mutually beneficial relationship which involves a more experienced person helping a less experienced person to achieve their goals.
Effective mentoring
Is a relationship that focuses on the needs of the mentee
Fosters caring and supportive relationships
Encourages all mentees to develop to their fullest potential
Is a strategy to develop active community partnerships
While, in the main, mentoring occurs on a one-to-one basis, elements of mentoring may be present in group situations where, under certain circumstances, a one-to-one relationship emerges as an important vehicle for growth and development for mentees. The one-to-one relationship is the key to effectiveness in mentoring.
While most mentors undertake the mentoring role as volunteers, there are circumstances where paid staff take on mentoring responsibilities. Whether paid or volunteer staff become mentors, the role extends beyond a ‘mere’ employment responsibility.
The objectives of Mentoring Australia are to:
Create a communication network for mentoring programs to share ideas and resources
Promote Mentoring
Benchmark principles of good practice
Develop strategic alliances
Establish a clearing house for training and resources
Promote advocacy and leadership
Promote active participation by members
Raise awareness of the Association
This site is not regularly maintained.